home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Copyright ) Darin Johnson, 1989 */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to use */
- /* this program and to freely copy */
- /* it and/or source code as long */
- /* as these notices remain. */
- /* No charges for these copies may */
- /* be made, except for handling */
- /* and distribution fees. */
- /* This is the main process for MyMenu. This gets loaded and run in the */
- /* background by MyMenu. When started, it finishes initializing itself, */
- /* and starts monitoring the WorkBench IDCMP port. If any messages show */
- /* up that we are interested in, we run them as a CLI or WorkBench */
- /* process. We don't do any memory allocation or cleanup and leave that */
- /* all to MyMenu (in order to save some space). Communication with */
- /* MyMenu is done via a public port - never used as a port, but it holds */
- /* "global" variables. */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <workbench/icon.h>
- #include <functions.h>
- #include "mymenu.h"
- static char *copyright = "Copyright ) Darin Johnson, 1989";
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- #ifdef DO_WB
- struct IconBase *IconBase; /* already defined in Manx C */
- #endif
- struct MMData *MM; /* data shared with other tasks */
- struct Process *MyProcess;
- #ifdef DO_WB
- int wb_cnt; /* number of wb processes run */
- struct MsgPort *wb_reply_port; /* replies from terminating WB processes */
- #endif
- #ifdef DO_WB
- /* error messages */
- struct IntuiText wb_open_msg_5 = { 3,1,JAM2,24,36,NULL,
- (UBYTE*)"Do you REALLY want to quit now?", NULL };
- struct IntuiText wb_open_msg_4 = { 0,1,JAM2,7,28,NULL,
- (UBYTE*)"the program finishes after MyMenu.", &wb_open_msg_5 };
- struct IntuiText wb_open_msg_3 = { 0,1,JAM2,7,20,NULL,
- (UBYTE*)"still be open. This can cause a crash if", &wb_open_msg_4 };
- struct IntuiText wb_open_msg_2 = { 0,1,JAM2,7,12,NULL,
- (UBYTE*)"A WorkBench program started by MyMenu may", &wb_open_msg_3 };
- struct IntuiText wb_open_msg = { 3,1,JAM2,142,4,NULL,
- (UBYTE*)"WARNING!!", &wb_open_msg_2 };
- struct IntuiText true_msg = { 0,1,JAM2,7,3,NULL,
- (UBYTE*)"Yes, quit MyMenu", NULL };
- struct IntuiText false_msg = { 0,1,JAM2,7,3,NULL,
- (UBYTE*)"No! I didn't mean it", NULL };
- #endif
- /* returns an error to MyMenu if we get one during initialization */
- error(code)
- char code;
- {
- MM->error_code = code;
- if (IntuitionBase)
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- #ifdef DO_WB
- if (IconBase)
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- #endif
- /* coordinate with add_handler() in MyMenu */
- Signal(MM->parent_task, 1 << MM->parent_sig);
- /* now coordinate with remove_handler() in MyMenu */
- Wait(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C); /* wait for parent */
- Signal(MM->parent_task, 1 << MM->parent_sig);
- _exit(0);
- }
- /* add personalized menus to menustrip */
- add_menu_strip() {
- struct Menu *menu_strip;
- ULONG ilock;
- menu_strip = MM->WBWindow->MenuStrip;
- ilock = LockIBase(0L);
- ClearMenuStrip(MM->WBWindow);
- MM->prev_menu->NextMenu = MM->my_menu;
- SetMenuStrip(MM->WBWindow, menu_strip);
- UnlockIBase(ilock);
- }
- /* remove our personalized menus from menustrip */
- del_menu_strip() {
- struct Menu *menu_strip;
- ULONG ilock;
- menu_strip = MM->WBWindow->MenuStrip;
- ilock = LockIBase(0L);
- ClearMenuStrip(MM->WBWindow);
- MM->prev_menu->NextMenu = NULL;
- SetMenuStrip(MM->WBWindow, menu_strip);
- UnlockIBase(ilock);
- }
- /* main program - initialize and start up monitor */
- _main() {
- /* find data set up by parent */
- MM = (struct MMData *)FindPort(MYMENU_NAME);
- if (!MM)
- _exit(0); /* some one ran us directly, bail out */
- /* finish initialization */
- MM->handler_task = FindTask(NULL);
- MyProcess = (struct Process *)MM->handler_task;
- MyProcess->pr_ConsoleTask = NULL;
- MyProcess->pr_CLI = NULL;
- MyProcess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)-1; /* disable requesters for FindIt() */
- MyProcess->pr_CurrentDir = NULL;
- /* open necessary libraries */
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 0);
- if (IntuitionBase == NULL)
- error(ERR_LIB);
- #ifdef DO_WB
- IconBase = (struct IconBase *)OpenLibrary(ICONNAME, 0);
- if (IconBase == NULL)
- error(ERR_LIB);
- #endif
- if (!MM->WBWindow)
- error(ERR_WIN);
- if (!setup_mon())
- error(ERR_MON);
- MM->error_code = ERR_OK;
- /* signal parent that we're fully weaned */
- Signal(MM->parent_task, 1 << MM->parent_sig);
- add_menu_strip();
- #ifdef DO_WB
- wb_cnt = 0;
- /* create port AFTER setup_mon() so we don't get same signal */
- wb_reply_port = CreatePort(WBPORT_NAME, 0);
- NewList(&wb_reply_port->mp_MsgList); /* is this necessary? */
- #endif
- restart:
- monitor();
- #ifdef DO_WB
- /* see if we can leave gracefully */
- /* we don't want to terminate and then have a WB reply message */
- if ((wb_cnt > 0) && (AutoRequest(NULL,&wb_open_msg,
- &true_msg,&false_msg,0,0,370,80)==FALSE))
- {
- MM->error_code = ERR_WB_OPEN;
- Signal(MM->parent_task, 1 << MM->parent_sig);
- goto restart;
- }
- #endif
- /* clean everything up */
- MM->error_code = ERR_OK; /* let parent know that we finished up */
- finish_mon();
- del_menu_strip();
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- #ifdef DO_WB
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- #endif
- /* Forbid until we terminate, so that we don't get UnLoadSeg'ed to soon */
- Forbid();
- #ifdef DO_WB
- {
- register struct Message *msg;
- while ((msg=GetMsg(wb_reply_port))!=0)
- wbfree(msg);
- DeletePort(wb_reply_port);
- }
- #endif
- /* signal parent that we are done */
- Signal(MM->parent_task, 1 << MM->parent_sig);
- }